Constant Follower and Afterlands provide gorgeous evening of music

February 24, 2024

To celebrate Big Rock Records' first birthday, Constant Follower and Afterlands wowed the Newport crowd with delicate melodies, soaring choruses and mesmerising vocals. In between sets from the legendary Funky Gunners DJs, the bands both played superb sets. Afterlands may have been playing their debut gig, but they sounded as if they'd been playing for years. We can't wait for their first record to come out in May! Constant Follower then played a gorgeous set with songs old and new, and couldn't resist an encore which the cheering audience demanded.

Both bands praised the crowd for the warm welcome, attentive listening, and rousing response. We're so lucky to put our gigs on here to such an appreciative bunch!

Lots more planned for 2025 and beyond...

Photos from kevin_linnet